Saturday, 3 September 2011

Latest WikiLeaks cables include 700 from Singapore

Latest WikiLeaks cables include 700 from Singapore latest news:Latest WikiLeaks cables include 700 from Singapore..Some 700 leaked diplomatic cables from the United States embassy in Singapore have been published online this week, revealing confidential correspondence on a range of issues dating from 2003 to last year. A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable reports Singapore founding father Lee Kuan Yew holding forth on China and its leaders.Wikileaks on Singapore worrying. Published 13 December 2010 politics and government 29 Comments. Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's founding father and minister mentor, and the grand old man of Asian politics, is famously blunt with his views.WikiLeaks Singapore: Singapore diplomats' frank assessments on Southeast Asia.WikiLeaks causes Singapore Officials to be Cautious with U.S Diplomats. am actually surprised that people think that international diplomacy is conducted in a sterile fashion.


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